About me

Elegant artist Yana Virtuoso in a dark blue dress seated thoughtfully in her studio, a paintbrush in hand, with colorful abstract paintings surrounding her.

Allow me to share the intriguing and heartfelt narrative of my unexpected journey into the world of abstract art. It is a tale of transformation and discovery, beginning in 2022, where my life took a dramatic turn from a decade-long career in B2B sales management and a foundation in economics, towards the vibrant and boundless universe of artistic expression. This journey, unforeseen and unplanned, revealed a hidden passion for art that had been quietly brewing beneath the surface of my professional life.

The turning point for this change was a chance encounter with a video of an artist masterfully creating an abstract piece using a palette knife and acrylic paints. This moment electrified me, drawing me into the enigmatic world of abstraction, a realm that had previously seemed distant and unattainable. Captivated by this art form, I felt a powerful urge to explore this newfound passion.

As a self-taught abstract artist, my approach to painting is akin to surfing. Each brushstroke is a ride on the waves of my internal energies, emotions, and sensations, propelling me through the creative process. This journey is not just about producing visually appealing works; it is an exploration into the depths of the unconscious, a language beyond words.

My art is a reflection of this inner exploration. Each piece is an individual journey into the abstract, a symphony of emotions and energies inviting viewers to connect with the canvas on a personal level. Through my paintings, I aim to dissolve the boundaries of perception, encouraging the audience to explore the limitless potential of their imagination.

This sentiment is encapsulated in my understanding that the world of abstraction knows no bounds; it is the limits of our inner selves that shape its contours. My art is an invitation to explore these boundaries and to discover the infinite possibilities within.

Sharing my art with the world is the most rewarding part of my artistic journey. Each creation is an open invitation to the viewer to immerse themselves in the boundless energy of the abstract universe. My hope is that my art inspires and uplifts, allowing the viewer's spirit to dance amidst the vivid colors and dynamic forms of my paintings.

As I continue to evolve as an artist, this journey, which began in 2022, constantly inspires and amazes me. I remain dedicated to exploring the depths of abstraction, continually pushing the boundaries of my creativity to share the beauty of this art form with a wider audience.